viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

Bykefitting System

Buceando por la red, encuentro esta página muy interesante.
Aunque está en inglés, se entiende bastante bien todo.
Os copio algunas curiosidades.

(Dedicado a Cabezas)
The pedaling frequency is the number of rotations of the pedal per minute. Research into the optimal pedaling frequency has been extensive. Already in 1929, Hartree and Hill indicated that there had to be an optimal pedaling frequency. When a cyclist pedals too slowly, energy is taken away from both power, as well as duration of contraction. On the other hand, if a cyclist pedals too quickly, energy is lost to overcoming internal resistance in the muscle. So there has to be an optimum; however, Hartree and Hill failed to indicate where this optimum was to be found.
In other surveys, the lowest level of oxygen intake was used as a criterion. Gregor (1986) presented an overview of these studies. In most instances, the result was somewhere between 33 and 80 rotations per minute (rpm); however, in reality, most cyclists invariably choose a frequency that lies between 90 and 110 rpm. At first it was believed that this difference could be explained by the effect of training, but this hypothesis lost ground as a result of tests conducted by Boning and associates (1986). He tested both trained as well as untrained test persons and came to the conclusion that, in spite of the greater effort that untrained test persons experienced when resistance increased, the optimal pedaling frequencies did not change.
A few years earlier, however, Hagberg (1981) made an interesting discovery. He noticed that, when deducting oxygen usage in cycling without resistance from the oxygen usage in cycling with resistance, the optimal pedaling frequency shifted towards 100 rpm.
Redfield and Hull (1986) had an explanation. They used the sum of the torques in ankle, knee and hip as a criterion (Cost function, see diagram). This was calculated in the function of the pedaling frequency, and it appeared that it was the lowest between 90 and 100 rpm. This corresponds quite well with the pedaling frequency of cyclists in everyday reality.
Grafics Cost Function
In other research, Hull (1988) looked into pedaling frequency in more depth. He made use of a combination of joint torques and tension in the muscles in relation to the pedaling frequency. In this survey an optimum was also found at a frequency between 90 and 100 rpm. Apparently, the tension that arises in the leg muscles during cycling is the most decisive factor for the pedaling frequency. This shows that already in 1929 Hartree and Hill came very close to explaining why lower pedaling frequencies were far from ideal.
Si alguno tiene mucha curiosidad no me importa traducirselo.

Cadence in real live: (cadencia en la vida real)
The list, below, with all the postwar world hour records illustrates that for this specific aspect of the cycling sport a somewhat higher pedaling frequency is preferred; the average here is 103 rpm
(Lista de los record de la hora, con sus cadencias medias. La media de todos 103rpm)
1956Jacques Anquetil46.159104.0
1956Ercole Baldini46.393?
1957Roger Riviere46.924105.7
1958Roger Riviere47.346104.7
1967Ferdinand Bracke48.093106.3
1968Ole Ritter48.653105.4
1972Eddy Merckx49.431103.9
1984Francesco Moser50.808104.3
1984Francesco Moser51.151103.1
1993Graeme Obree51.59693.0
1993Chris Boardman52.270101.8
1994Graeme Obree52.713?
1994Miguel Indurain53.040100.9
1994Tony Rominger53.832101.4
1994Tony Rominger55.291102.2
1996Chris Boardman56.375105.0

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013


Bueno, llegó Mayo y con él el buen tiempo, las luces tempranas y los largos atardeceres. Las noches cortas y las prendas también. Guarda los guantes, los cubrebotas, la chaqueta, la braga. Todo te va a estorbar. Si no has entrenado tiempo has tenido. Si este año no has cogido la forma te jodes, es tiempo para hombres. No hay escusas tenemos un sólo mes para en 4 Domingos clavarnos 500 Kms. Lo que hagas entre semana es tu resposabilidad. Pero más te vale haber hecho los deberes ya que si no, vas a sufrir.

El tiempo de las medias se acabó. Olvida los veintitantos. Cuando llegues el domingo por la mañana, no medies palabra...el machete que hay en tu boca te lo impide.

Y no es por que lo diga yo, no. He visto la sangre en sus ojos.

No van a tener piedad. Nunca muestres síntomas de debilidad, huelen el miedo. Se regocijan en tu sufrimiento. Cada alma que queda en la carretera es una muesca más en su historial y siempre serás presa de sus cantares a pie de barra.

Podrás buscarte otro grupo, salir con ese compañero de trabajo que se está iniciando, acompañar a tu novia al rio con el jersey en la cintura, o por que no en la más absoluta soledad, pero nada será mejor que esto.

Acepta el consejo; es tiempo para hombres, los niños deben irse a la cama.


Os invitamos a participar en este club con el único propósito de estar unidos para practicar nuestro deporte favorito teniendo en el compañerismo nuestro más firme estandarte.

Te esperamos,


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